Director Desk - Mission & Vision

Director Desk

Dear Students,

Success in career is most rewarding for the students.

I promise you to help to achieve your professional goals. Students are the pillars of our success who not only cleared the exams but also achieved the top rank. Students need to be more enlightened and focused today. They know what they are up to. They need just a ray of guidance. I feel I have accomplished the reason of my existence on this earth. Proud to be that faint ray of guidance, proud to be a reason of smile on certain lips.

Kusum Dubey

Mission & Vision


" Education for all "

I want to fulfill the gap of education between the rich and poor aspirants by providing them cheap and best education and to provide studying opportunities to all students appearing for Engineering and Medical Entrance Examinations and enhance development of aspirants through quality teaching by being the first to adopt change introduced in the field of Engineering and Medical Examinations and mould our teaching methods accordingly.


As leaders in the field of informal education , we focus to enrich lives by challenging all students to become successful, lifelong learners who strengthen in a diverse and changing world.